Compendium of the Shipping of Yarmouth, Nova Scotia in the Period 1761 to 1902
831 רשומות
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חפש בCompendium of the Shipping of Yarmouth, Nova Scotia in the Period 1761 to 1902
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Compendium of the Shipping of Yarmouth, Nova Scotia in the Period 1761 to 1902
831 רשומות
Compendium of the Shipping of Yarmouth, Nova Scotia in the Period 1761 to 1902. The Yarmouth County Historical Society.<br> This is a never before published compendium of the standard historical<br><br> works recording the shipping activities of Yarmouth Nova Scotia in the time when it was recognized as a World Class seaport. We are bringing you this wonderful collection through a cooperative project with the Yarmouth County Museum and Archives, 22 Collins St., Yarmouth, Nova Scotia. Their Archivist, Mr. J. Stuart McLean, had noted that many marine researchers wanted to use the same collection of books in their research. We&apos;ve decided to include not only the usual sources of information but also to add a number of very relevant extracts from two other well known histories of Yarmouth. Altogether the compendium contains over 800 pages of facts, figures, stories and just plain history.<br> <BR>The Archive CD Books Project exists to make reproductions of old books, documents and maps available on CD to genealogists and historians, and to cooperate with local libraries, museums and record offices in providing money to renovate old books in their collection, and to donate books to their collections, where they will be preserved for future generations.
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